Our Predictive Reports are built by our team of analysts using AVA AI as the main data source to uncover and anticipate trends
from a consumer-centric standpoint. By understanding how external economic, social, and environmental factors affect consumer behavior,
we can identify insightful information about how this may impact specific markets and consumer segments.
Industry Trends
Our Industry Trends Reports showcase insightful statistical data about the current and future state of a particular industry covering a wide variety of topics, including market size, market share, forecasted growth, emerging technologies, and consumer preferences. By analyzing these trends, we help businesses to stay ahead of the competition, identify new opportunities, and adapt their strategies to changing market conditions.
How are Millennials and GenZers shaping their buying decisions?
Download our free report to find out.
What are the latest trends in digital retail advertising?
Download our free report to find out.
What’s the forecast for the hotel industry in 2023?
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How are influencers changing consumer behavior?
Download our free report to find out.
What matters the most to consumers when it comes to online fashion?
Download our free report to find out.
How do streaming and other digital platforms play a role in TV ad spending?
Download our free report to find out.
What’s the estimated global sales value of pet products until 2026?
Download our free report to find out.
Furniture e-commerce penetration rate in the US from 2017 to 2025
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Consumer Insights
Our 360 View Reports are designed by our data science team to analyze data on a particular topic to identify consumer trends and predict their behavior considering both micro and macro factors that might affect their preferences, purchase power, and spending decisions. By understanding consumer behavior and building customized persona profiles, we help our clients tailor their marketing strategies and messaging to resonate with their target audience, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and sales.
Who is most resistant to
inflation right now?
Download our free report to find out.
How is Generation Alpha impacting their family’s interactions?
Download our free report to find out.
How does sustainability efforts impact a consumers purchasing journey?
Download our free report to find out.
What are the current predictions for turnover in Nursing?
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